Friday, May 27, 2011

Art & Intuition

I went to an amazing workshop on Art & Intuition led by my talented friend Jennifer Halls (  It was at a beautiful retreat center called Laughing Waters (a wonderful little waterfall out the back door) just outside of Asheville, NC.  This retreat helped me more fully trust my intution (it was kickin'!) and break through much of my fear around creating 'art'.  We did many quick and collaborative projects in a 'Visual Journaling' style.  After I got home, I decided my journal needed a facelift and put this together - I love it!

I'm very into squeezing paint onto a surface and then working it ... as well as using images from magazines that grab me ... this one was from the Whole Living Mag that arrived the day after I got home.  There was an article on developing your senses and intuition and the image was perfect.  I opened the magazine straight to that article to read it - but ended up grabbing my scissors and creating this instead (still haven't read it yet, but I'm sure it's good and I will at some point in time:).

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I'm sure it was a great article (we subscribe to it too) but looks like the urge to create was stronger than the need to read this time. Sounds like a fantastic retreat btw, and it definitely had a positive effect on your work here! Right now I'm reading a small and very good book called "The War of Art", which we'll lend to you when I finish it (which should be soon). I think you would definitely appreciate it.
